Lets face it, being single is healthy most of the times. There are numerous health benefits of being single. If you disagree, look at how most couples look a few years after marriage. It is a sad fact that some people start neglecting their health and looks after marriage.
Some women who were constantly on a diet before their marriage or dating are faced with being taken out to movies with popcorns and cola and dinners with the best wines of the moment. How does one say no to all that demonstration on romance?
There are people who are single by choice and those who got out of relationships that failed. Whilst most singles might be feeling a bit sorry for themselves, there are lots of benefits in being single. Even happily married couples sometimes miss their single hood. We ask ourselves, why?
Health Benefits of Being Single.
1. Less Pounds: Research confirmed that losing your lone status can result to more pounds. A Cornell University study found that singles gained less weight over 10 years than married couples did. Another study by the University of Minnesota study found that women generally gain five to eight pounds in the two years after marriage.
2. More Pounds: Most marriages are not as smooth as initially anticipated, which also leads to more pounds. The same University of Minnesota study revealed that unhappily married women to put on even more weight.
3. Healthy Heart: We also know that staying in a marriage that does not work leads to depression and even heart disease in some cases.
4. Healthy Home: Having your home healthy and as clean as you leave it is a benefit most just dream of. Think about the toilet seat battle that is constantly the centre of couples' debates. You leave it down, you get it down; you leave it up and you get it up, it doesn't get better than that.
5. No In-Laws: Another source of stress is extended relationships. Singles have no in-laws to worry about. I say that adds a few years in their lifespan. If you are not single and you are reading this, work on your in-law relationships. It's easier that we always think.
6. No Sharing: The beauty of not sharing when you don't feel like it. How does having a bed, bathroom, kitchen, TV remote and even a garden to yourself sound? Yes, that's a daily bread to some. I realize every home has that attractive couch. It could be because it is comfortable and good for your back or just because it is in a right position. But if you are single, it is yours for as long as you want.
7. My Money: Financial independence is not only healthy but totally freeing. A number of my friends are in huge debt by default. Their partners overspend and they are affected by that. It comes with the package. For the single, you take full responsibility only for your own doing.
8. Less Accountability: There is lots more but I can't not mention the freedom to be as untidy as you wish. No shaving, no make-up and even staying at home in your high school torn tunic without someone giving you a "stare" as his friends are approaching your front door.
Single is healthy and to all the singles, Cheers!!!
Nombini Kutta-Mathye is an owner and author of http://www.healthfun-ps.com, a website which is an inspiration for everyone to live the best life possible. Visit http://www.healthfun-ps.com for more articles on Health, Wealth, Family, Career, Wellness and Spirituality.